How long does delivery take?

Depending on the mode of shipment, the transit time is 5-30 working days.

How will the goods be shipped?

According to the needs of our customers, the goods will be shipped by sea, air and road, and the transit time and shipping costs are also different.

I ordered more than one item, will they all be delivered at the same time?

If there are no special circumstances, we will generally send all the goods together. Once the goods are sent, you will receive a delivery notification email.

What kind of receiving information do I need to provide?

Commercial express channels such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, TNT cannot send PO BOX or APO/FPO addresses. For goods sent by express channels, detailed recipient address, package street, zip code, city, country, recipient’s full name, valid contact number and e-mail address must be provided.

What should I do when the goods I received are different from I purchased?

If you have any shipping problems with your package, please contact our customer support in time,


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